

Scouting has over 100,000 volunteers supporting activities for young people. This is larger than the combined workforces of the BBC (24,000) and McDonalds (67,000) put together. However, one of the challenges that the Scout Movement faces is finding more volunteers to plug the current gap. At present there are over 30,000 young people on waiting lists around the UK.

Who can volunteer with the Scouts?

Anyone can volunteer with the Scouts. Volunteers are from every faith and social background. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved as a leader, assistant, instructor or administrator.

How do people find time in their lives to volunteer?

Most of our volunteers have full-time jobs and help out on a flexible basis due to other commitments. Some may help out once a week or fortnight whereas others help once a term or at summer camp. One thing is certain – regardless of the amount of time given up to volunteering – we know that all our volunteers really enjoy the experience and take away as much as they give.

What training is given to adult volunteers?

We have training advisers who work with volunteers, making sure that they have the knowledge and skills to be effective in their roles. Advisors act to support volunteers in their training by explaining how The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme works, by agreeing on Personal Learning Plans, validating the relevant modules and keeping records of their progress.

How much does it cost for a new Leader to get their DBS check?

The Scout Association successfully campaigned for CRB checks for its volunteers to be free of charge. The process is now handled internally, with several certificated individuals who process the CRB requests.

But what is in it for the volunteers?

Whilst Scouting is primarily about young people, adult volunteers can also take away a huge amount from their involvement in the Movement – from the opportunity to experience loads of activities that they would not normally experience, to boosting their CV, and being an active member of their community. Scouting for adult volunteers can be summarised as “a social life with a purpose!”

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