Getting Started
During your first 5 months in your new role there will be a lot going on, not only will you take up your role as a volunteer, you will also undertake a DBS check, attend an interview with the Appointments Committee, and you will also have to undertake Getting Started Training. This may look like a lot, but most of the courses take no more than 30 minutes online each and have a short quiz at the end.
As part of your induction, you will receive an email from the Local Training Manager with more information.
As the name suggests the training is designed to get you started in your new role and keep yourself and our youth members safe and legal. If you have not completed the Getting Started Training within 5 months of your initial date, the District Commissioner will ask you to stop your involvement with youth members until the training has been completed.
You will find the Guide Booklets helpful in your Training journey:
Getting Started Training consists of several modules, most of which are completed online, modules applicable to everyone are:
Those working with youth members must also undertake:
Module 3 within the District we run a Module 3 course at least once a term. Attending the course rather than doing it online allows you to network with other new leaders across the District and meet members of the Adult Training Team. Planned courses are at the bottom of this page; if there is not one programmed, check back at the beginning of the next term.
If you are keen to get on you can do Module 3 using online learning, just follow this link.
Unlike Module 1, Safety, Safeguarding and GDPR, the remaining modules will need to be validated by a training advisor. For Module 3, it is useful if you can ask your section leader, GSL or other Wood Badge holder to observe you working with youth members and send the Local Training Manager a Witness Testimony which can be downloaded here.
Section Leaders and Assistant Section Leaders must also plan the route they will be taking to gain their Wood Badge by completing a Personal Learning Plan:
You can use this simpler sheet to develop your learning plan
Executive Committee members and Leaders on the Group Executive Committee must also complete the Trustee Introduction.
All Leaders, Managers and Supporter will be expected to have completed basic first aid training within the first 12 months. First Aid courses can be booked here: First Response. Note you have to have completed Module 10A before attending Module 10B.
Wood Badge
The Wood Badge is the sign of a qualified Leader, you will be expected to have completed this within 3 years of taking up a role. If you have not completed the Wood Badge for your role within this time, the District Commissioner will ask you to stop your involvement with youth members so that you can focus on your training.
Country Training
For Leaders and Assistant Leaders, the Hampshire County training team provides a mix of webinars, residential weekends and day courses to cover the other modules you need, you can find the latest dates and booking forms here. You will be expected to book your training.
Online Training
Many of the modules are available online they can be found here. Do note that Gilwell has not updated this page to reflect some of the new training courses. For the Getting Started courses see the links above Module 6 have been discontinued.
Module Validation
There are two parts to each module, undertaking the training and validation.
Except for Module 1, Safety, Safeguarding and GDPR which are validated online, the remaining modules will require you to meet with a Training Advisor to discuss your understanding of the course and how you have put what you have learnt into practice. This is so that leaders across the country have a common standard and that you understand the key point of each module.