
Introduction to Explorers_G5D016224 hour

Explorer Scouts cover the 14 to 18 age group. There are three Units in the Petersfield District, the Stirling Explorer Scout Unit (ESU) who are based at the northern part of the district and meet at the 1st Liphook Scout Group headquarters on a Monday evening. The Rother ESU cover the southern part of the district, and meet at the Sheet Scout Group, drawing members from the southern part of the district covering Liss, Petersfield, Sheet also meeting on a Monday night. Headley ESU cover the Western part of the district covering Bordon, Headley and Headley Down, and meet on a Thursday night.

There is a strong outdoor flavour to the programme with a wide range of activities including canoeing, rifle shooting, hiking, survival camping, mountain biking to name a few of the many exciting activities they undertake.

Explorer Scouts have their own programmes working towards their Chief Scout Platinum, Diamond and Queen Scout Awards. They also are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

If you want to gain any more information, or are interesting in joining Explorer scouts either as an Explorer or a helper / leader please reach out to Mike Collins (District Explorer Scout Commissioner) on descpetersfield@outlook.com