Privacy Statement

Petersfield District Scout Council and The Scout Association take the issue of privacy very seriously and we are committed to protecting and respecting our members. This Privacy Statement sets out our current data processing practices and should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the website.

Contacting Petersfield District Scout Council

If you want to contact us to raise any questions about this privacy statement, or any general matters relating to, you can contact the webmaster using this contact form.

Please use this form if you wish to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you. Please note that under English law we are entitled to charge you a fee f o r providing this service.

Data Protection Act

The Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”) governs the collection, recording, storage, use and disclosure of personal data whether such data is held electronically or in manual form. Young people have the same rights as adults under the Act.

Petersfield District Scout Council is classed as a ”not for profit” organisation by the Act and is therefore not required to register with the Information Commissioner ’s Office (ICO). This exemption does not absolve the Group Executive Committee as the Data Controller who ensure that the 8 “Data Protection Principles” laid down in the Act for are applied to all group records held both on paper and electronically.

To enable us to operate and communicate with Members, it is necessary to maintain records. This includes details of name, address, date of birth, contact telephone numbers Email addresses, etc. We also keep details of your son’s or daughter’s progress through Scouting (e.g. badges gained and activities attended). Information held by Petersfield District Scout Council may be shared from time to time within Scouting including the National Headquarters of the Scout Association.

Additionally, information classed by the law as ‘Sensitive Personal Data’ is also held by the Group. In a Scouting context this may include information about health, disabilities and religious belief s. The first two would be held to ensure that Leaders are prepared f o r emergencies that may arise and to ensure safety of all members of the group during activities. Information about religious belief s helps us ensure that appropriate arrangements are made if necessary. Sensitive Personal Data is only held on paper records by Petersfield District Scout Council.

All the information we have will be used in connection with your so n’s or daughter’s membership of the Scout Movement in the United Kingdom. To access personal data held by 1st Liss Scout Group is restricted to those who have a current Scout Association CRB check.

You can obtain further information about data protection laws by visiting the Information Commissioner’s website at

Disclosure of data by order of a Court and Statutory Body

We reserve the right to communicate a member’s personal information we hold to third parties who are empowered by regulation, statute or order of a court.

Social Media

Petersfield District Scout Council does not have any control over the use of members social media sites (Facebook, Fliker Instagram, Twitter etc ) that may be used by parents or youth members; individuals are responsible for the content of their own social media account. Our photography form requests that all parents are mindful of any content that you or your child may post to this type of site and that any pictures that are set in a scouting context should not bring the Group or movement into disrepute or put young people at risk. We would also ask that you respect the wishes of other parents or youth members if they ask for a picture to removed.

Online Scout Manager/My Scout

Online Scout Manager is use the the District Explorer Scout Units for recording members contact details and activities. Online Scout Manager is also used for recording ‘Sensitive Personal Data’ as prescribe by the Act. As described above, these records are held securely in paper format only.

Data that is held electronically in Online Scout Manager and is stored and processed within the United Kingdom. In certain circumstances this information may also be held on paper e.g. to ensure that leaders are not reliant on technology for emergency contact details when undertaking activities. Parents will be given the opportunity to access the data for their child though MyScout.

1. Online Scout Manager Security Measures

We have security measures in place to protect our Member’s database. Access to this database is restricted to a need to know basis. However, it remains the responsibility of each Member/parent with access to Online Scout Manager / MyScout to:

  •  to keep their password secret;
  • to protect against unauthorised access to your personal details;
  • to log off from the Online Scout Manager/MyScout service when not using it;
  • to ensure against use of their Online Scout Manager/MyScout service by anyone else through the machine that the member uses while they are “logged on”
  • to search and obtain only the data specifically required and allowed for relating to their role.

2. Legal Jurisdiction.

Data that is held electronically in Online Scout Manager is stored and processed within the United Kingdom. This part of our Internet operation is subject to English Law.

Click here for more details about Online Scout Manager/My Scout.

Petersfield District Scout Council Website

The Petersfield District Scout Council website provided publicly available news and information about the District. This section explains about data protection issues that relate to the website.

1. The Information we collect

The only circumstances in which we will provide any of your personal data to a third-party for non commercial purposes are those contained in this Privacy Policy.

2. Registration information

When you register with as a contributor, we ask for your name, email address and postal code, we usually also capture your IP address at the time of registration, this information is used to verify that you are a legitimate member of the District before a registration is approved. This will normally only apply to Leaders and Committee members. Registration will be revoked when you are no longer require access for your role in the District and registration data deleted.

If you provide your email address to subscribe to new posts, we only store the email address provided which will be used by the website server to inform you of new posts. You may unsubscribe at any point by click the link at the end of each email.

When you use one of our contact forms we will gather your IP address to help us detect illicit use of our website and mail server.

3. Sharing of data and Advertising

We do not share your website registration data with any third-party. We do not advertise on the website and have no intention of doing so in the future, we will therefore not share your information with advertisers.

4. Legal Jurisdiction.

The District Website is hosted on a server in the UK by TSO Host, this part of our Internet operation is subject to English Law.

5. Further information. will, as part of its normal operation send out information emails. Each e-mail contains a link to unsubscribe from further notifications.

6. Cookies uses small files known as “cookies” to enhance your use of the site. In accordance with EU legislation, when you visit the site for the first time you will be given the option to opt of use storing cookies on your browser. Some of the cookies are essential to make our site work and others help us to improve by giving us some insight into how the site is being used, the specifically have the following functions:

  • hold Contributors login information. This option can be turned off by switching the “Remember Your Password” option to “No” in your logon page.
  • ensure the best use of the service by visitors, by means of a temporary cookie. These cookies disappear when the browser session ends, or if a registered used clicks the “sign off” text.
  • To help optimise the site we use Google Analytics which also uses cookies, see the separate section below about Google Analytics.

7. Google Analytics

The activities of visitors to this website who have JavaScript enabled are followed using Google Analytics. Google Analytics collects the following types of information from users:

  • Type of user agent (web browser) used, software manufacture and version number.
  • Type of operating system
  • Screen colors (color processing ability of the user’s screen)
  • JavaScript support
  • Flash version
  • Screen resolution
  • Network location and IP address
    • Can include country, city, region, county, or any other geographic data (the lowest level is “Petersfield”).
    • Hostname (for home users this is the name of the Internet Service Provider)
    • Bandwidth (internet connection speed)
  • Time of visit
  • Pages visited
  • Time spent on each page of the website
  • Referring site statistics
    • The website (URI) the user came through in order to arrive at this website (example: clicking on a hyperlink from that took the user to this website)
    • Search engine query used (example: typing in a phrase into a search engine like Google, and clicking on a link from that search engine)

This data is only used to optimize our website for our visitors.

This data DOES NOT include any personalised identification information such as:

  • Names
  • Phone Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Mailing Addresses
  • Bank Account Numbers
  • Credit Card Information