Always a pleasure to drop into 1st Petersfield. For those who have never been in there its a lovely hall in the middle of Petersfield. The only problem is it’s all hard flat surfaces, the noise is amazing! With nearly 20 Scouts there is always a hum of activity. The troop is undergoing a transformation back to old scouting which is already showing benefits. Starting from scratch is a great way of resetting and the start of the school year is a great time to do it.

Scouts tonight were investigating how people live with some disabilities. The Chinese whispers went down, along with the blindfold obstacle course. Learning through doing is a scout staple, and so much better if youre having fun with your mates as well!

As an added bonus four of the older Scouts have taken up our District You Shape award, where they are given an extra opportunity to make changes to the way things are run. More to follow on this!